Abhiram “Abhi” Gaddam, with his campaign team, is doing an outstanding job of representing Parkside High School and Wicomico County Public Schools in the final days of his campaign to be the next Student Member of the Maryland State Board of Education.
Abhi Gaddam and his campaign team (Noha (JMB), Diva (JMB), David (PHS), Abraham (JMB)) attended the opening ceremony at the Maryland Association of Student Councils this week. The rest of his campaign team arrived later to help out with the campaign, in which Abhi is one of two finalists for the state post. The election will take place Friday morning. We are all proud of you, Abhi!
It takes a lot of initiative and a lot of effort to compete for the Student Member of the Board seat. Abhi and his campaign team were out campaigning amongst the thousand or so Maryland middle and high school student council members Thursday evening, getting the word out on his campaign.
Abhi Gaddam also took part in the State SMOB (Student Member of the Board) question and answer session where he and the other finalist, Jordan, took questions from the student council members in attendance at the Maryland Association of Student Councils MASC Convention in Ocean City. Abhi did an amazing job. His speech was thoughtful and inspiring.
Even before the voting Friday for Student Member of the Board, Abhiram Gaddam has already shown himself to be a shining example of students from Wicomico County Public Schools where students like Abhi are learning today, leading tomorrow. He is currently a junior at Parkside High, and previously attended Salisbury Middle, North Salisbury Elementary and Fruitland Primary.